Heat Recovery Ventilator Repairs & Installations
Boilers and Beyond offers Heat Recovery Ventilator repair and installation in Langley, Surrey, Maple Ridge and all over the Lower Mainland and Metro Vancouver. The use of a Heat Recovery Ventilator is considered to be part of optimal heating and ventilation conditions for a home. They work by expelling stale air from the home to the outside environment and drawing in fresh air from outside into the home thereby improving indoor air quality. Additionally, in the winter, warmth from the stale air is transferred to the fresh incoming air via an aluminum core within the HRV without ever mixing. In contrast, in summer season, heat from the fresh incoming air is transferred to the outgoing stale air, keeping your home cool. This mechanism saves you energy by lowering heating and cooling costs. Call (604) 376-0919 to see how Boilers and Beyond can help you with your HRV repair or install in Langley, Surrey and Maple Ridge.